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Book 1 - The Fall


“The Fall” arrived yesterday via Amazon, and I was up late exploring the Tellers Tales. The prose of the opening chapter was ultra-mega-astounding to say the very fewest words or perhaps coin a new one! Tom Robbins may one day have litigators on retainer knocking on your door demanding you refrain from out doing the master, Hunter too may have some concerns even from his cramped quarters. The color and depth of detail in the actual descent from the canyon walls depicted everything I ever wished to describe following countless trips and falls along my way while seeking the unknowable beyond. Whether your intent was deliberate or not, that cascade of optics and lightspeed narration of the brevity of such encounters, demanded I read and reread to totally grasp the vividness of those milliseconds!

Thankfully the reader is allowed respite in the pages to follow, or heart failure could become epidemic should your readers not pace themselves! I can’t help but think that the fish in your photograph being returned to the sea was the embodiment of the savior in your sudden reversal in gravities race to claim you for its own.

When can I get the next installment?
Date Added: 07/21/2016 by Amazon Reviewer